Vegan Sidekick

Max Seabrook - Vegan Fitness Trainer
One of the nicest guys you will meet, who also has rock hard tasty abs glistening in the sun. He is like a walking encyclopaedia of nutrition knowledge. Follow him on instagram!
Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness
This is a great resource for dispelling the myth that vegans are scrawny, and a plant-based diet is deficient. I owe a lot to Robert Cheeke who owns He's been a source of inspiration for me, as he's one of the most generous and kind people I know, somehow managing to be so dedicated to animals, and his own health and fitness, travelling all around the states (and the world) giving talks. On top of this, he's one of the least confrontational and positive people I've evet met, we could all stand to be more like him.
Vegan Street
This page is very good for providing educational images. They make their own graphics to get the point across, and do so in a non-confrontational manner, without graphic images.
Dr. Greger
Seriously you need to check this guy out. Very knowledgeable, everything he says he has a source for. I have linked up to a particular video about protein which is where you need to start, but follow his youtube channel and look him up elsewhere, good guy!
Vegan Artbook
A page of comics with a cute anime style. One of the best-looking pages out there in support of animal rights.
Julieanna Hever (Plant-based Dietitian)
She's a wonderful person who is very easy to talk to, and extremely knowledgeable! Her facebook page is easy to follow, with regular posts which should even inform vegans.
In Vegetable We Trust
A great recipe page that is run by a friend of mine. He makes delicious vegan food and posts the recipes. Please try out some of his stuff and tell him you made it, that's what makes him happy!
Arvid Beck - Vegan Bodybuilder
He's in great shape and I'd like to lick his face. He's a friendly approachable guy, and his facebook page is pretty easy going, keeping track of what he's doing, and sharing animal-rights images when he feels like it. Check him out!
Skool of Vegan
This is a page of original images, which are made as though they are written by school children, trying to make sense of the world as they learn about animal abuse. Very creative, highly informative, and should be easy for non-vegans to understand without feeling confronted.
Animal Rights Media
Excellent facebook page which is extremely informative and straight to the point.
An up and coming comic series with a vegan super hero, who battles animal abuse. Follow the page to see how it progresses, with many contributing artists!